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 What Happened to Bomba? Please Read Below.

We do have a new supply of Calasparra Paella Rice D.O. Calasparra, a round short-grain that won't leave you wanting, now available.


Well, we put forth our best effort to acquire more Bomba, to no avail.
Unfortunately, this famous, highly-regarded rice is in danger of disappearing. The variety is the most susceptible to the 'Pyricularia' fungus that has run rampant in the fields of Valencia and reduced the harvest level to unsustainable minimums. From Miguel Minguet, head of the rice sector at the Agricultural Association of Valencia (translated from Spanish):
"[With] Bomba we are already in a devilish spiral that will lead us to the end if some remedy is not found soon; as happens in any type of production, when there is little harvest it tends to be irregular and of poor quality, and no matter how much the price goes up for the little that is saved, it is never worth it."
While a solution will hopefully arise in the future, the outlook for Bomba is bleak at the moment.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you're not satisfied with your order, simply send us an email within 30 days and we'll replace your order or issue a full refund. 

Ingredients: bomba rice. Net Weight: 1.1 pounds (500 grams). Nutritional information.

Wholesale Inquiries: If you're interested in carrying this product or others in your retail store or restaurant, please contact us for pricing and details.